Welcome to forums.ws!
Free Foros.sw provided you with a free phpbb forum with multiple options added.
An address of the type NAME.foros.ws (You can also use your own domain).
You will have full control to manage your community.
Sadly, this excellent service for creating and hosting free forums was shut down a few years ago. You can see the announcement here .
If you have created a forum on Foros.sw, or if you were a member of a community, you can start a new community for free.
What is the best solution to have an online community? Discover ForoActiva, the free forum creation service that is the leader in Spanish-speaking countries: Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Chile …
Create your forum for free
How to create a forum?
Create a private forum
Create forum with domain name
Have a secure forum with HTTPS
Import your community and forum to ForoActiva
If you are the owner of a forum hosted by a paid web server, you have the option of migrating your community to the free Forumotion service.